2021 Award Winners
Baylor University alumni and friends around the world make significant contributions to society in many forms. Baylor Alumni Awards honor individuals who embody the distinctive mission of the University and celebrate their remarkable achievements. Following are the 2021 honorees.
Alumnus of the Year
Alumnus of the Year
Awarded to a graduate or graduates who have demonstrated remarkable achievement in the previous year.
Young Alumna of the Year
Young Alumna of the Year
Awarded to a graduate age 40 or under who has demonstrated remarkable achievement in the previous year.
Pro Ecclesia Medal of Service
Pro Ecclesia Medal of Service
Awarded to individuals whose broad contributions to Christian ministry have made an immeasurable impact.
Pro Texana Medal of Service
Pro Texana Medal of Service
Awarded to an individual whose contributions in furthering the mission of Baylor have made an immeasurable impact in the public or non-profit sector.
Contributions to the Professions in Media & Arts
Contributions to the Professions in Media & Arts
Awarded to an individual for dedication to advancing his or her chosen field and making a significant impact in our world.
Founders Medal
Founders Medal
Reserved for men and women whose service and contributions have been unusually significant to the life and future of Baylor.
Alumna by Choice of the Year
Alumna by Choice of the Year
Awarded to an individual who was previously nominated and selected as an Alumni By Choice recipient, and who has achieved distinction through exceptional contribution to our international, national, state or community welfare.