Billy Graham
Pro Ecclesia Medal of Service

Evangelist Billy Graham has preached the Gospel to nearly 215 million people in live audiences across more than 185 countries and territories. Through his ministry, more than 3.2 million people have responded to the invitation to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. A renown author and one of the Gallup Organization's “Ten Most Admired Men in the World” an unprecedented 55 times, Graham has counseled American presidents and consoled our nation in times of crisis. Educated at Florida Bible Institute and Wheaton College, Billy Graham also holds an honorary doctorate from Baylor University.
His care and respect for Baylor began over 60 years ago, shortly after the ordained Baptist minister established what has become a world-changing evangelistic organization. Graham made his way to Waco to speak to students in Baylor's Chapel Services in 1950 and again to the community in 1953 at a memorial service for victims of the devastating Waco tornado. In 1970, Graham returned as the featured speaker at a weeklong celebration of Baylor's 125th birthday where he described the importance of Baylor's role in higher education and praised the university's commitment to faith and learning and to helping students understand their responsibility to the world. Two of Graham's grandchildren are Baylor graduates and when Baylor officials traveled to North Carolina to deliver this Meritorious Achievement Award, Graham shared his hopes that future generations of Graham children would find their way to Baylor. Thank you Reverend Graham, for your eternal impact on our world and for your love and support for Baylor University. It is because we too have been impacted by your unyielding faith in a risen savior that we honor you today.