Bob Simpson, BBA '70, MBA '71
Legacy Award

Bob Simpson says Baylor University is woven into the fiber of his being. Out of his Baylor experience came a fierce love for Baylor that has followed him his whole life. It was during his Baylor years that Bob discovered his passion for business. He recalls going to Moody Library and reading The Wall Street Journal before he'd start his homework and says that for him it was like eating his ice cream before dinner.
After graduating magna cum laude in 1970 and earning his MBA in 1971, Bob joined Arthur Andersen as a CPA and began work on the Texas Rangers baseball account. In 1985, he co-founded Cross Timbers Oil & Gas Company the precursor to XTO Energy, which he sold in 2009 to ExxonMobil. When the opportunity presented itself, Bob joined a partnership to buy the Texas Rangers. He became co-chairman of Rangers Baseball Express, and a majority owner of the Texas Rangers Baseball Club. Bob, a devout Rangers fan since his time with Arthur Andersen, has employed his business acumen to help the franchise grow.
Bob has consistently supported his alma mater in many ways, most recently through his generous gifts to support construction of the Simpson Athletics and Academic Center and stepping up as a Baylor Stadium Founder. He has been a guest speaker for the Baylor Business Network, is a member of the Endowed Scholarship Society, having established three scholarships (one in memory of his brother, Ken), and is a member of the 1845 Society. But Bob says he still identifies with the little kid from Cisco who managed to go to Baylor, who worked for Arthur Andersen on the Rangers account and ended up with a dream fulfilled by becoming part of the Texas Rangers organization. He believes it's a testimony to all you can do in America and when you have a strong educational foundation, like the one he got at Baylor.
Congratulations, Baylor Legacy Award recipient Bob Simpson.